Film Festival Challenges

Malo e lelei
The last few weeks we have been getting ready for film festival. We had to create a storyboard and a script as a group.
Some of the challenges we faced include:

  1. Background noise
  2. Sharing of storyboards so we could be collaborative
  3. People Away
  4. Forgetting lines
  5. Weather
  6. Working together Collaboratively
  7. Flat iPads

Issue 1 and 4 – Refilming solved a few problems such as background noise and forgetting lines.

Issue 2 – We couldn’t share the storyboard from Storyboard that, but the teacher could. Another way would be to storyboard using slides

Issue 3 and 5 – Film other shots where the person wasn’t needed or it could be done inside.

Issue 6 – Stay calm, listen if need be, and take a break.

Issue 7 – Create a method./routine to ensure they are charged.

Here are some examples of the scripts we came up with from across the class


5 thoughts on “Film Festival Challenges

  1. Malo Lelei Matamua team woah that must be very tiring work that you have to do I hope you do a good job having the festival good job.

    By Amorangi In LS1 In Panmure Bridge School

  2. Talofa Lava matamua, I like how you guys fixed some of the problems while creatin g your movie. Your blog post reminds me of making one for the school and fixing some problems that isn’t right. Have you considered making the issues right?

  3. Kia ora New Windsor school reading this got me very excited and interesting I know your film turn out good, keep up the good work!.

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