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Film Festival Challenges

Malo e lelei
The last few weeks we have been getting ready for film festival. We had to create a storyboard and a script as a group.
Some of the challenges we faced include:

  1. Background noise
  2. Sharing of storyboards so we could be collaborative
  3. People Away
  4. Forgetting lines
  5. Weather
  6. Working together Collaboratively
  7. Flat iPads

Issue 1 and 4 – Refilming solved a few problems such as background noise and forgetting lines.

Issue 2 – We couldn’t share the storyboard from Storyboard that, but the teacher could. Another way would be to storyboard using slides

Issue 3 and 5 – Film other shots where the person wasn’t needed or it could be done inside.

Issue 6 – Stay calm, listen if need be, and take a break.

Issue 7 – Create a method./routine to ensure they are charged.

Here are some examples of the scripts we came up with from across the class


Cybersmart – Smart Passphrases

Kia ora koutou,

Today in Cybersmart with Phil we have been learning about Smart Passphrases. Here are some top tips about how to create a smart passphrase from Arnav and Shael. They are still working on them but I’m sure they’d love some feedback…

What do you think? Do you have some other top tips about smart passphrases.

Year 6 E.O.T.C. Experience!

Kia ora Readers!

What a week it has been. After nearly 3 years our Year 6’s finally get a camp experience. This year we decided to go to M.E.R.C. in Long Bay; a new location that New Windsor has not gone to before.

Our seniors spent their afternoons before camp in their camp groups practicing a skit item to perform in front of each other.

Monday morning:

7.30 we met up and loaded all our luggage onto the coaches for a 8am departure from school. Traffic wasn’t too bad and we managed to get to M.E.R.C. just on 9am. Our students met with their instructors and went straight to their activities.

We had Deep Sea Survival (not as scary as it sounds), Surfing, Bush Survival, Giants Ladder, and Abseiling. Safe to say the students were shattered by the end of day one.


After a night on some very wobbly and loud bunkbeds our students got to their second day of activities, with the addition of Kayaking and Archery . Tuesday night was our concert where the groups performed their item to much amusement from the parents.


Our final day at M.E.R.C. The groups did their final activities and then came together for a walk along the rocky shore where they got to look at rock pools and all the little critters that live there.  We gathered one last time for a group photo and then loaded back onto the buses for a very quiet ride back.

Thank you to all our whanau that came with us on the trip and supported us with fundraising throughout Term 3. This would not have been possible without you!

Check out these photos!

Room 24’s Film Festival

Kia ora koutou Readers,

During Term 3, Room 24 (and most of New Windsor School to be fair) participated in the Ako Hiko Film Festival.  Room 24 decided to either work in groups, pairs, or independently on a film of their choosing. Room 24 planned, shot, and edited their films without help from Mr Jones to show resilience, which is the focus for Term 3 at New Windsor School. Week 9 came around and we were able to make several films of different genres and types.

Check out the awesome work below:

Charmy & Diana


Ibrahim & Omar

Muzakkir, Ellie, Amelia, Olivia, & Keira



Devyn & Mila

Nathan, Noah, Semisi, Spencer, Chloe, Ethan, Rikhil & Elvis

Room 11 and Room 3’s Film festival.

Room 11 and Room 3 spent 4 weeks working on their Film Festival. They came up with a story, wrote their own script, discussed their props and locations and then practiced their parts. After working days and days together they filmed their act and put them together as a movie. Here are some movies for you to watch.

Room 11’s Wacky New Windsor school

What happened to New Windsor School, everything is wacky! Wacky here Wacky there, look at the sky!!! It sure is hot over here, I am sweating! Lets check this school out and see everything. Wait, we were just looking at some slides. Who made these?


Oh! Check out Room 11’s magnificent slides on wacky New Windsor School, where Everything is wacky. During Book week Sarah (Faisal’s mum) read to us Wacky Wednesday. So we decided to have our own Wacky New Windsor school.

Please do comment and tell us about our book.